The Sydster

This video was taken just a week or so after Syd's ear surgery last March.  He has this strange--and ultimately beautiful--way of playing in which he doesn't really do anything, other than run around in circles and bark.  And bark.  And bark.  And breathe heavily. 

At 42sec, he stops barking, stops spinning, stares at us for a short pause, pulls back a little, and spins.  This is what Syd does.  This is who Syd is, and who we missed so greatly when he was sick for so long.

My favorite part of the video--the part that I watch over and over and over again to the very edge of insanity, which in turn leaves echoes of Syd's barking in my head for hours--is at the 1:05 mark.  Just prior to that, Pete catches hold of the blur that is Syd (because, you know, he moves SO FAST), and I move in for a close-up with the camera.  You can hear Syd huffing and puffing, acting tough, and then that immediate pregnant pause in which you can see so clearly what Syd is thinking: At that moment, he sees me as paparazzi--a nuisance, basically--and, much like celebrities who attack the photogs, Syd loses it.  He's smiling, grunting loudly up at Pete, showing that he's pleased that Pete's scratching his butt, and I step in with the camera, which is SIMPLY INEXCUSABLE.  


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